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Transportation and Parking for Chinese New Year Eve

Notice for transportation and parking during the New Year Holidays:

Notice for transportation and parking

  • Please park your car at the parking area outside of Yuan Dao Guan Yin Temple (please refer to the red line marked in the following map).(please refer to the red line marked in the following map)
  • You can also park your car at the horse club (No. 20, Anzinei); shuttle buses are available to and from the Temple.
  • Please follow instructions from the staff to park your car at the roadside.
  • To keep traffic smooth for large buses and shuttle buses, please do not park your car outside of the parking area.
  • Please inform our staff in advance if you have elderly and disable people in your car, and follow their instruction to park your car.
  • To keep the main entrance clear, please do not make U-turn or drop off your passengers in front of the main entrance.
  • Car pools and our shuttle buses are highly recommended for visiting the Temple.

Bodi Station: Free shuttle bus

Address: No. 215, Danjin Road, Section 2, Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City 251, Taiwan
Tel: 886 2 8809 6600

Schedule for Chinese New Year Eve (Jan. 21):

The last shuttle bus from the Bodi Station to Yuan Dao Guan Yin Temple: 23:20
The last shuttle bus from Yuan Dao Guan Yin Temple to the Bodi station: 12:00 Jan. 22:
From Yuan Dao Guan Yin Temple to the Bodi station: 00:30-02:00
Note: The MRT service has not been extended on Lunar New Year's Eve. Please pay attention to the transfer time.

Notice for visitors:

  • No Pets allowed.
  • Please put your own food or drinks in your bag or backpack.
  • Food with meat is not allowed at the worship hall.
  • Please don’t eat and drink outside of dining areas.
  • Please mind your step in the crowd; please look out people around you when offering incenses.
  • For the public safety, drones are not allowed without a prior consent
  • Please wear your mask when in the worship hall and indoor areas according to the CDC pandemic prevention measures.