The Grand Oracle of Yuan-Dao Guanyin Temple is a divination system empowered by the Dharma-Body Buddha, namely Da Zi Zai Wang Fo大自在王佛, with reference to the wisdom of Chinese ancient civilization, the Book of Change (I Ching易經). As a function of two sets of Eight Diagrams and one set of Six Variables, this divination system comprises 384 (=8×8×6) oracles in total. Specifically, each oracle is made of the combination of three bamboo slips drawn from the respective lot pots through a specific divination procedure.
For oracle explication, there are advanced spiritual practitioners on site for consultancy.
The Forshang dharma, “Da Zi Zai Perfect Realization of Bodhi Dharma大自在圓證菩提大法,” is also available for oracle querents to expediently fulfill theirwishes. Performed by the Temple’s Abbot Master Lee Sun-Don under the Forshang Heritage, this dharma helps clear up the karma-associated barricades and bring further blessing for a more favorable outcome, depending on the oracle concerned.